Licence Checking
How well do you know your drivers? When managing a business fleet of cars and vans it’s important to carry out driver licence checks to remain compliant with HSE guidelines. In the event of an accident, you may need to produce evidence that all of your drivers have the necessary licence to drive on business.
This of course means checking the licences on a regular basis and in terms of best practice, checking them directly with the DVLA. In addition to company car drivers, any employee driving for business purposes, even when using their own vehicle will need ongoing checks.
Benefits of Licence Checking
- Identify ‘at risk’ drivers helping you to comply with your duty of car obligations
- Reduce accident rates by implementing measures to improve ‘at risk’ drivers
- Reduce administration through accurate, easily accessible online reporting with the option to export data to Excel for further analysis
- Email alerts can be defined and set up to alert you if and why a driver has not passed
- Online Management Information to view and report on which drivers have completed their check and the results of the checks
- Flexibility you can select the frequency of your driver licence checks, you can even increase the frequency for ‘at risk’ drivers if you wish
Regular online checks
We understand that managing a fleet of drivers can be demanding and time consuming. That’s where we can help. Our online driver licence checking tool will provide you with the information you need to ensure that your drivers have the necessary licence required, such as employees who:
- don't have a licence
- have an expired licence
- only have provisional entitlement to drive
- have points on their licence and on the verge of being banned
- have been disqualified under totting up
- have live drink/driving offences
- have recent periods of disqualification
- have failed to inform their employer of a serious, live motoring offence at the time of recruitment
- are non-licence holders who have not complied with the rules of driving in the GB as a resident/temporary visitor